Final AM

In The New York Times op-ed piece by Mark Edmundson entitled "The Pink Floyd Night School" (May 1, 2010), what does Edmundson see as the danger in deciding on one's future too quickly? Do you think most informed Americans would agree that experience trumps credentials? Provide examples from any of your reading, your conversations with other Americans or your experience to support your evaluation of the author's assertion.

"What It Takes" by David Brooks in The New York Times (May 10, 2010)

"How We Recruit: Formal Credentials vs. Experience Based" by Marisa Peacock on CMS Wire (June 19, 2008)

"The Importance of Advanced Degrees with Rob Chabot" at AccountingWeb (11/30/2000)

Finals should be e-mailed to me by Sunday May 16, 2010 at 12:00 PM [Noon] PST