Caliban 8

I cut myself into sixteen equal pieces
keep thirteen and feed the other three
to the dogs, who have also grown
tired of U. S. Commodities, white cans
black letters translated into Spanish.
--Sherman Alexie, 13/16

I'm luckier than most. Look how Miss Ivy dead. And Valto. He thought
he would outlive me but God outsmarted him. I am still going strong.
And I'm not forgetting ONE damn thing.
--Brenda Flanagan, To Die Of Old Age In A Foreign Country

On the very first day Jah gave light,
and on the second he made the sun and stars.
It wasn't long before things were jumping out of the river.
--David Berman, O

My face naked faced forward toward the genesis of everyone,
the manyfaced erasure.
--R. Cronshey, The Necessity of an Inner Nativity

Featuring: Maxine Chernoff, Sherman Alexie, Nancy Willard, Brenda Flanagan, Ronnie Burk, David Berman, Tess Gallagher, Colette Inez, R. Cronshey, Yusef Komunyakaa, Leo Dubray, Jill Scanlan, Susana Thénon, Ivan Argüelles and Andrew Joron, Christine Brandel, George Angel, Hachivi Edgar Heap Of Birds, Michael S. Harper, Dan Raphael, David Ohle, Marcia Lawther, Keith Taylor, Lawrence R. Smith, Bob Heman, Pfeiffer, Pam Rehm, Dieter Weslowski, Mercedes Lawry, Albino Carrillo, Wanda Coleman, Paul Michael Calandrino, Dale Houstman, Rebecca Reynolds, Jonathan Levant, Lyn Lifshin, Ann Sandifur, Dick Higgins, Sonya Hess, Simon Perchik, Jack Marshall, Elliot Richman, Mary Rutovsky-Ruskin, Guy R. Beining, Jay Passer, Jeffrey Zable, Jacques Servin, Anna Rabinowitz, Gil Adamson, Askold Melnyczch, Carine Topal, Robin Hudechek, Dale Houstman

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