One sweatshop, named Evergreen Factory in Rio Blanco Industrial Park, makes clothes for the largest reatiler and employer in the world, Wal-Mart. This sweatshop factory can adequtely describe what millions of workers all around the world are faced with day in and day out. "Going into these factories is like entering prison, where you leave your life outside. The factory owners do not let—and don't want—the young workers to think for themselves. They want them to be stupid. The workers need permission to use the bathroom, and they are told when they can and cannot go." (qtd. in NLC online)


One sweatshop, named Evergreen Factory in Rio Blanco Industrial Park, makes clothes for the largest reatiler and employer in the world, Wal-Mart. This sweatshop factory can adequtely describe what millions of workers all around the world are faced with day in and day out. "Going into these factories is like entering prison, where you leave your life outside. The factory owners do not let—and don't want—the young workers to think for themselves. They want them to be stupid. The workers need permission to use the bathroom, and they are told when they can and cannot go" (NLC online).


Here the author is a little bit confused about using the indirect source. The indirect source is used only when the source that the writer is using has lifted a quote directly from a previously written text. This point is crucial here.Although the source uses a quote from an interview that occurred prior to the author's writing of the text, the words used did not appear previously in a written text. In fact, this quote that appears in the article the writer cites appears for the first time in the article that the writer cited. This makes this article the primary text, not the secondary text. In other words, there is no previously written text that the quoted interview refers back to. Therefore, one cites just the article where the writer found the quoted interview.


Note here that the" NLC online" corresponds to an entry that appears in the Works Cited section that is labeled as "National Labour Council." The abbreviation should probably not be used in the in-text citation in order to prevent confusion.