Grammar Test 2 Answer 6

6. Emperor Hirohito of Japan decided to get a new boxspring and mattress, so that he wouldn't get bounced around at night by his wife who was dreaming of becoming a Sumo wrestler.


6. Emperor Hirohito of Japan decided to get a new boxspring and mattress so that he wouldn't get bounced around at night by his wife, who was dreaming of becoming a sumo wrestler.

1) Remove the comma after "mattress" because "so that" is a subordinating conjuncion (a signal word that designates a dependent clause). It is not a conjunction combining two independent clauses here. [1 pt.]

2) Insert a comma after "wife" because "who was dreaming of becoming a sumo wrestler" is a non-restrictive relative clause ("his wife" is already well-identified because he has only one [legitimate] wife). [1 pt.]

3) Just because a word is foreign doesn't mean it should be capitalized. [1 pt.]

Total = 3 pts.