
Modal Meaning Active Example Passive Example



Modal + Simple Form



Modal + "be" + participle

CAN Ability I can speak English. I could speak English when I was 3. A piano can be tuned with a tuning fork. A piano could easily be tuned in 1850.
CAN Possibility Temperatures can fluctuate rapidly in October. It could have been cold yesterday. The politician can be bribed. He could have been bribed before he won the election.
MAY Possibility There may be an opening in French. There may have been a fire. She may be elected. He may have been caught by the police.
MIGHT Possibility The block and tackle might be unsafe There might have been a fire. He might be forgotten. He might have been caught by the police.
COULD Possiblity Three unsafe conditions could exist. There could have been a fire. You could be arrested. He could have been prosecuted.
MUST Logical Deduction You must like to study. You have spent all day in the library. There must have been a fire last night. The building must be ruined after the fire. The fire fighters must have been exhausted.
MUST Necessity Parents must provide for their children. Our parents must have provided for us. We must be notified.
HAVE TO Necessity I have to study for this test. I had to study last night. The lab has to be cleaned. The police had to be notified.
BE TO Necessity The list is to contain all the names. I was to go to the meeting. The box is to be filled. She was to be fired.
SHOULD Advisability You should work hard. You should have studied. The metal should be heated to 30 degrees. The glühwein should have been cooled.
SHOULD Expectation The class should begin soon. The bus should have arrived two hours ago.
SHOULD Prediction It should snow tomorrow.




All citizens ought to vote. The government ought to have encouraged the workers to vote. The mixture ought to be heated for an hour. The vehicle ought to have been serviced by now.



We will read chapter 5. I would have repaired the circuit but I was busy. Your orders will be followed to the letter. The plans would have been completed.



The colonies would develop after 1650. The factory would have remained in operation. In that tractor the battery would be located near the starter. In the Roman Chariot, the brake would have been located near the railing.
SUPPOSED TO Expectation He is supposed to rectify the situation today. Jerry was supposed to deliver the goods last week. That job is supposed to be done today. The strawberry muffins were supposed to be baked by noon.

Other modal constructions:

USED TO past habit Joe used to play the accordion before he met Nancy.