Bearfish Grotto

artwork by Dale Houstman


Bearfish Grotto

Last Look Before World's End
Stalking the House
Looking for someone
To Read passages to.
Getting on the phone,
If it comes to that.
Dogearing the epilogue.
Drinking red wine.
Waiting for nightfall.
Lighting a candle before
Studying the appendices.
Writing a salutary review
That begins, "A book
For all times and places . . ."
Outside, hungry crows
Pecking at the remains
Of a downed kite. Dawn:
Cotton-ball cloud dabbing
The sky's slashed wrists.
--Jarret Keene


Jarret Keene teaches at Florida State University where he serves as the editor of Sundog: The Southeast Review. His stories, essays, and verse have appeared in recent issues of ACM, Atlanta Review, Chelsea, Connecticut Review, Florida Review, New England Review, South Carolina Review, Texas Review and others. His most recent collection is Meat Out of The Eater (Superstition Street Press, 2000)

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