Interpreter of Maladies Study Questions #1 (pg.1-69)

1. What does Shukumar spend most of his time thinking about instead of working on his dissertation?



2. Why did none of the food that Shukumar and Shoba buy at the market never go to waste and what aspect of Shoba's personality (which Shukumar admired) did this illustrate?



3. Why did Shukumar say he forgot to tip the waiter during his and Shoba's first dinner date?



4. Why did Shukumar look forward to the lights going out on the second night?



5. Why was Shukumar upset that he received a sweater-vest for their third anniversary?



6. Why was there a civil war in Pakistan in 1971?



7. Why was Mr. Pirzada not considered Indian and why did Lilia think it odd that Mr. Pirzada was no longer considered Indian?



8. Why does Mr. Pirzada appear to be so protective of Lilia as she sets out on her trick-or-treat adventure?



9. What was the political result of the civil war in Pakistan?



10. What information does Mr. Kapasi reveal that suddenly makes Mrs. Das interested in him?



11. Why did Mr Kapasi's wife disapprove of Mr. Kapasi's job and how did she refer to his occupation?



12. What did Mr. Kapasi realize as he gazed at the carved lovers at the temples, and what did this realization make him want to do.



13. What does Mrs Das reveal to Mr. Kapasi that takes him aback?



14. Why does Mr. Kapasi refuse to providea "remedy" for Mrs. Das's malady?



15. What ironic twist does Mr. Kapasi experience at the end of the story?